Monday, November 30, 2009

Make a list!

The holidays are here and there is something different to do each day. With the amount of things that need to get done and so little time it can be very hard to be productive. I was very persistent this year and got all my Christmas shopping done early. Usually I go out and buy gifts that catch my eye and remind me of the person that I am buying for. I did it different this year, and I planned out what I was going to get for each person, then I went out and found it. By doing this I did not make impulse purchases and I stayed within my budget.
Something else that I find to be very helpful, is to make a list when you first wake up of all the things you want to accomplish during the day. This way you have some direction and when you finish something you can cross it off your list. You will feel way more organized and I find it to be very productive and less stressful. It is ok if you do not get all the things accomplished on your list, but I guarantee you will get more done than if you did not do it.
" Being persistent will allow you to reach greater heights of accomplishment."
-Brandon Zornado

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A helping hand!

There are people who have not had a great upbringing and have not been able to experience certain things. Everyone deserves to have a great life and the chance to make something of themselves. It is very sad to think that some people don't have families to go to and see on the holidays or any day for that matter. There are people out there that are all alone and have know where to go. I watched a movie last night called " The Blind Side," and it was about a boy who lived in the projects and was taken away from his family at a very young age because his Mom was too caught up in drugs, alcohol and sex. She could not take care of him and it was a unsafe place for him to live in. When he was about 18 years old or so a family found him walking in the rain one night on the side of the road and they offered to have him stay the night because he did not have a place to sleep. His name is Michael and he never before in his life even had a bed. This family takes him in and ends up becoming his legal gardians. They gave him a life that he would not of had. He was given the chance to make something of himself. You will have to see the movie to find out the rest and see what Michale makes of his life. Do not give someone a helping hand just because you want to, but because it is the right thing to do.

" Everyone deserves a chance, it is up to them to make the most of it."
-Brandon Zornado

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cold Weather!

Most people do not like cold weather, but I actually don't mind it. It is almost Winter time and the days are getting shorter and the temperature is changing. Just because it is cold, it doesn't mean that you cant enjoy yourself. You could go to the mountain and snowboard or ski with some friends, go tubing, bundle up and go on a walk, stay inside and have a fire and drink some hot tea or coco.
Everyone needs to be positive during the Winter and find alternative things to do. No matter what you are doing, you can still make it fun! No matter what time of the year it is, be positive and enjoy every moment that you have. Go out and buy a nice pair of gloves and a hat to keep you warm. This winter do something that you have not done before and make the best of it.

" Cold weather might be cold on the outside, but it can warm up the heart."
-Brandon Zornado

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday!

Today is the biggest shopping day of the year. All the stores open around 4 to 6 am and there are hundreds of people waiting in line to rush through the door to get the big sales. I love this day because the focus is now directed towards Christmas. Everyone is up bright and early and the day if full of chaos and excitement. We were at the stores today at 3am and we got some amazing deals. The stores only have their huge sale event for the first 4 or so hours, so it is best to get there first thing when they open.
This year it was not as busy as previous years, probably because everyone is trying to cut back and not spend as much. The holidays are not a time to see how much you can spend on a gift. They are about spending time with the ones you love and giving something meaningful. It doesn't matter the price of your gift, the thought is what counts. Enjoy yourself this holiday season and be thankful for everything that you have.
" The best gift is one given from the heart." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is a National Holiday. It is " Thanksgiving." This is my favorite holiday next to Christmas because it is a time when I get to be close with my family and the one's I love. Today was a wonderful day. We went to my girlfriend's family for lunch and then over to my Mom's side for dinner. Both places were a lot of fun and the food was delicious. I am so thankful for my family, friends, girlfriend, pets, and just life itself. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoys it to the fullest.

" Giving thanks to people you love is like getting a wonderful gift in return." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Relaxation is what rejuvenates our mind and body. It has always been hard for me to relax because I am very energetic and love to keep busy. I will get done doing something and then move right on to something else without even missing a beat. As I have got a little older I have worked hard on trying to take some time to relax. It has been hard, but very rewarding. I love the nights when we just stay in and have a fire and watch a movie. I have learned that you do not always have to be doing something every second of the day. With my previous job I would wake up at at 5:10 a.m to get to work at 6:15. It was very hard for me to get good sleep and relax because my schedule was so different than I was use to. Sometimes I would be in different states for work and the time difference would really get to me. For about ten months I did not get more than 6 hours of sleep a night on average. This last month I have been making sure that I get to bed earlier and get my 8 hours of sleep each night.
It is very important to take time in your life to wined down and let your body relax. Many people are stressed out because they have too much to do and are always on the go. We all need to find time in our lives to slow down and relax.

" Relaxation will give you the energy to keep on going." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Don't Lose Focus!

We all have times in our life when we may want to give up on something we are doing. Different examples such as: sports, school, work, a side project, etc. It is very important that you do not lose your focus on the big picture, which is finishing what you started. Every situation will have a different time frame but the concept is still the same. I know some things in life can be very frustrating and difficult, but if everything was easy then people would not have as much appreciation because it would not be a challenge. Hard work is what makes us stronger and able to stick things out till the end. If you become weak and your focus is no longer with you then it will be that much harder to complete what you have started.
" A greater accomplishment is putting in the hard work yourself." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, November 23, 2009

Priceless Entertainment!

Most things these days cost a lot to do. Even going to a movie costs about ten dollars a person. If you want a drink and some popcorn it is going to cost close to 35 dollars for two people. I love to go out and have a great time. It is ok to go out every once in a while and spend some money on a nice evening. However there is something you can do that is very fun and it is free. Get your boyfriend/ girlfriend, friend, husband or wife and go to the airport. When you get there go get a coffee or whatever it is that you want to drink and find a bench or a seat somewhere close to the security checkpoint. It is the best place in the world to people watch. Everyone is always in such a hurry and they all act different about this situation. I have traveled a lot for work and I have seen some hilarious things while going through security and waiting for my plane. On a day when you cant find anything to do go to the airport and people watch. It is entertainment that does not cost you anything.
" The priceless moments are the one's you remember forever." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Plan ahead!

Most people have a vision of how they would like their future to go. I want to be a country song-writer, in Nashville TN. Just because I want to do that does not mean that I just up and move this second. Nashville TN is the capitol of " Country Music." Most country superstars come from all over the world to make it in Nashville. There are four reasons that people move to Nashville who want to succeed in the industry. 1. Become a singer. 2. Become a songwriter. 3. Become a backup singer or musician. 4. Become involved in the business of the music industry. So many people go to Nashville hoping for a miracle right away and the one's who have a plan before they go have much more success. I love writing and I want to do it because I have a pasion for it. I am going to visit this January for four days to map some things out and maybe get a couple contacts as far as places to live and jobs within the music industry. Everyone has to start somewhere and I am willing to give it my all to make it as a successful song-writer one day.
Whatever your vision is, have a plan of how you want to get there. You will have much higher chances of accomplishment. Start from the bottom and work your way up until you are where you want to be. Nothing is going to be handed to you, so work hard for what you want.
" A plan of attack will set you higher above the one's on the same battlefield." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Admit your weaknesses!

We have all done things in life that we are not proud of. No matter what it is that you have done, do not let it keep you down. Admit your faults and pick yourself back up. People go through phases where they try new things, and sometimes the things that they try are not always the best. I believe everyone deserves a second chance in life. There are a lot of people who have had some really rough upbringings and it is in their ways of life to get into trouble. Sometimes people just need some direction of the way that they should be heading. Everyone should be given the chance to start over and make something of themselves.
There are people that have nothing in this world and have got themselves into all sorts of trouble. Sometimes they just need a friend who is there to comfort them and support them. Do not let things you have done in the past ruin your future. Admit what you have done wrong and learn from the situation.

" Everyone can change for the better, they just need a jump start to power their engine." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, November 20, 2009

Be a leader!

This world is full of too many followers. People are always being persuaded into doing things that they do not want to do. A leader is someone who stands up for what they believe in and does not care what other's think of him or her. Just because other people are doing something, it does not mean that you have to do it as well. That is the reason we have so many problems all around the world. One person does something and other's follow along to look cool or get ahead some way.
I think that the best way to get ahead in life is by doing it yourself. There is a saying that says, " you can not trust anyone but yourself." I do not fully agree with that statement because I do have a lot of people in my life that I trust. However I do believe in standing up for myself and no matter what the situation is, I will do what I think is best. There have been many times in my life where I have been pressured to do something, but I stood strong and did not give in. I did not care if at the time I was not cool because that was not who I was. The one's who follow will not succeed the right way. They will be persuaded into ways in which they deep down do not agree with, but they are not strong enough to say anything and be who they really are. Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Find the courage inside you to show others who really are.

" Your true friends are the one's who love you for whoever it is you are, not who someone else wants you to be." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chase your dreams!

Dreams are something that everyone should have. Whatever your dream is, do not let anything get in the way of it. Hold onto it forever and cherish it. I believe that anything can be accomplished if you put your mind to it. Set your dreams high but be realistic of a time frame to accomplish them. If you set too big of dreams too fast then you can become let down. My dream is to become a country songwriter. It is something I love and writing and music are a passion of mine. I am focusing on playing the guitar right now and learning more each day. I am also reading books and material about songwriting. People need to realize that their dream is not going to happen over night. It is going to take hard work and dedication, but if you believe in it then it can happen. Do not ever get discouraged when you come to a road block. Fight through it and keep yourself motivated. I know that I will not become a successful songwriter right now, but I have a plan. The more time I put into learning the better I will be down the road. I am planning on moving to Nashville TN within a year to pursue my music career. I know what I need to do in order to make it and I am 100% dedicated to getting there. No matter how long it takes me, I will never give up.
Do not be afraid to have big dreams. Everyone deserves to do what they want in their life. Whatever it is that you want to do, find out how to make it happen step by step and work hard to get there. The biggest thing in reaching your dream is your motivation. You will need it the entire way to get to where you want to be.

" Fight for what you want, and you can accomplish anything." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



I believe laughter is the secret to a happy and healthy life. There are so many things to do that can make you laugh. I am actually listening to a comedy show on CMT right now and it is hilarious. It is very important to find time in your life to laugh. Watch a funny movie, go to a comedy show with some friends, read a joke book, there are a ton of things that you can do. Personally I think the best kind of laughter is when it is unexpected. Sometimes random things are just funny and things keep happening to make the situation more funny. One of the best experiences is laughing until you cry. I hope everyone has the chance in their life to have that happen to them.
Life is a wonderful thing so why not add as much excitement in it as possible? Laughter is endless and it can also be priceless which is a good thing in today's economy. If I am ever feeling down, laughing is one of the best cures to make me feel better. There is no reason why people should not have laughter in their life. It will do wonders for you and keep you happy and enjoying life.

" A smile is a start, but laughter will cure the heart." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Self Image!

Image is what someone is on the outside and what other's typically view them as. In today's society image tends to be everything. Some people are blessed with more appealing looks than other's and some have to really try. In the entertainment industry, image is all over TV, magazines, billboards etc... The stars are trying to create an image so that other's will find them appealing and like them. Just because you see someones image on the outside that does not mean that is really who they are. A lot of people are fake and put on a show just to get the attention of other's.
Every person is different and unique in their own ways. Whoever you are, that is the person you should always be. Do not feel that you need to be someone you are not. We all have an image that was given to us and we can not change that. Be happy for who you are and let other's know that you are confident with your own image.

" No matter what everyone has their own beautiful image, let it be shown." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, November 16, 2009


I have always played sports growing up and I never really got hurt all the way through High School. I went to Clackamas Community College my first two years and played Baseball. I ended up being a NWACC All-Star. After I was finished at CCC I played in a collegiate wood bat summer league. I had a few injuries that summer, I messed my knee up and had to have it drained , I hurt my arm pitching and then a couple other minor injuries. That fall I went to Western Oregon University to play Baseball. I played very well in the Fall and at one of our last games before Winter I blew out my arm in the outfield. It caused me to stop playing baseball in college and I had to take time off for close to two years. I got my arm strengthened again and this last year I played Adult Baseball in the Portland City League.
When you get injured, no matter what type of injury, you have to take the proper steps to recovery. The worst thing that you can do when you are injured is do to much. People get injured in sports and try to go out the next day and play. The best thing for an injury is rest and recovery. If it is a small injury then take Advil and use ice and heat and just relax. If it is a large one then only do as much as you can without exerting yourself or putting pressure on the injured area. Go to physical therapy and do the proper recovery in steps.

" An injury is not the end, it is just a step back to make you stronger." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, November 15, 2009


In the dictionary the word addiction is described as , " the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something." There are many things that people can become addicted to. Addictions such as drugs, alcohol, stealing, smoking, betting, abuse etc, can have a very negative outlook on someones life. People think that if they do it one time then it is ok, but they do not realize initially what can happen. When a person becomes addicted to something it can be very hard to stop. I have had close people in my life become addicted to things and I have seen how their life changed drastically for the worse.
I do have to admit that I am currently addicted to things but they are all positive. I am addicted to playing the guitar, hanging out with friends and family, and enjoying my life. Addictions do not have to be bad. If you surround yourself with positive things and people then everything will be fine. It is very important to think about something and the consequences that may occur before you make your decision. There are things that are not worth it and there will be times when you are peer pressured but you do not have to give in. Just make sure that you stand up for what you believe is right.

- " Addictions can be good or bad, make sure you choose the right one." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Growing up you make a lot of different friends. In high school many people have clicks, which are certain friends that they hang out with in a group. All clicks vary from jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, band, art, Gothic etc. Some people will not even acknowledge another person if they are not in their click. College is different because everyone is coming from different places and backgrounds. You become friends with many different people very quickly. You are always around these people and you see them everywhere you go. Some people lose contact with their high school friends when they go to college and then after college many people lose contact with the friends they made there.
I have had many different friends and I have always been very social. Now that I am out of college it is harder to get together with friends because everyone is so busy. I try to keep in contact with all of my close friends and hang out with them whenever I can. It is so important to have friends in your life and do things with them. It is very easy to get caught up in life and lose contact with people who are close to you. If you have a girl friend or boy friend, get another couple together and have a double date or have game night. Try to get in touch with someone that use to be a good friend that you have not talked to in a while. Call your best friend up and see if they want to hang out. Just make sure to not forget about your friends because they are very important. Everyone should always make time for their friends.
" Friendships can last forever." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th!

Today is a historic day. It has always been marked as a day of unlucky and strange occurrences. The unlucky number 13 symbolizes today. Many people try to keep the day very simple and are afraid to drive or even go out of the house. They think that something crazy and unusual will happen to them.
I said in a earlier post that Friday is my favorite day of the week. I am not letting this day be any different. I am going to enjoy myself and have a great evening. I am going to watch the Blazer game with my girlfriend and our friends then we are going to go to a fashion show downtown. People should not let things stop them from doing something. If everyone believed everything that they heard then this world would be a lot more screwed up then it already is. Enjoy your day today and be positive about anything that you do.
" Believe in yourself, if you do not think you can accomplish something then there is no use in trying." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cherish your life!

Ever sinse I was a kid I have wanted to make something of my life. Never has there been a dull moment with me. I like to keep everything exciting and adventurous. When I was young I never wanted to miss out on anything. I would stay up all night with my parents and then wake up bright and early. As I got older I always loved meeting new people and getting to know them. My life has been great and I have made the best of it so far. There are so many things that I want to do and see. I know that when I die one day I will have lived an amazing life.
Everyone should have excitement in their lives. You can find it in so many ways. Go shopping, hang out with friends, take a vacation, go to the movies, cook a new meal, make a bucket list, learn how to play an instrument, or just sit down and read a book. Whatever you do, try to have fun with it. Life is to short to not do the things that you want to do. Do not ever tell yourself that there is no meaning to life. There are so many beautiful things that surround us it is unbelievable. I am very thankful for the life that I have been given and everyone else should be thankful for their life as well.

" Enjoy the natural wonders of life, they are everywhere." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Huge Event Tonite!

Today is November 11th which means tonight is the 2009 43rd Annual Country Music Awards. The show will be taking place in " Music City - Nashville TN." This is the biggest event in country music for the whole year and it brings all top artists together for one huge night! Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood are the hosts of tonight's CMA'S. The big awards that will be presented are : Entertainer of the Year, Female Vocalist of the Year, Male Vocalist of the Year, Vocal Group of the Year, Vocal Duo of the Year, and New Artist of the Year. There will be a special performance from a country star that has been away for over four years. It should be an awesome show. It all starts tonight at 8/7 C on ABC.
I can not wait for the show tonight. I love everything about country music and the CMA'S are in Nashville TN where I will be moving to within a year. After you get home from work, make some dinner then sit down and relax and watch the best show of the year.

" I love Country Music." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Get a hobby!

There are so many things that I enjoy. I am always trying to do things that are exciting and interesting to me. I have always been so busy with everything and lately I have had some free time. In the last 6 months I have really focused on learning how to play the guitar. I took lessons each week for 6 months and I gained a lot of useful information. I became better every single week and noticed a lot of improvement by the end of my lessons. I am now taking it a step further and teaching myself the rest. I am focusing a lot on finger picking right now and next I will learn how to actually read the music notes. I want to become the best that I can and the only way to do that is practice and keep learning. Playing the guitar is honestly the number one thing I like to do by myself. It is so relaxing and I have gained such an appreciation for it.
Everyone deserves to have a hobby that they can enjoy. There are so many different things out there to try and learn. It is amazing when you start doing something you have never done before. It feels so uncomfortable at first, but the more you do it the better you will get and the more fun you will have. No matter what it is, if you practice enough at something you can get good. Find something that you think would be interesting to do and try it out.

" Nothing is too big to accomplish if your heart is in it till the end." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, November 9, 2009

Be productive!

My life tends to get a little hectic at times. I love staying busy and doing new things. If I am finished with one thing I will immediately look for something else to do. Growing up I have figured out that it is way better for me to keep busy and do things as they are presented to me rather than put them off until another time. Organization had always been a big part of my life and it has worked out very well for me. In school I was never one to do a paper at the last second. I would always have to get it done a couple days early so that I did not have to worry about it. It is not even the middle of November and my girlfriend and I are almost finished with all of our Christmas shopping. Woo hoo! I believe that the sooner I get something done the less stress it puts on me and I feel way more productive.
A lot of stress in people's lives occur when they have to much to do and not enough time. If everyone just relaxed a bit and did things in steps then they would not have as much stress. Try to not put off things until a later time because more will occur and it will all pile up. Whatever it is that you are doing, try your best to be productive.
" Work hard to play hard." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Never give up!

Today is Sunday which means, "football." There have been some great games on today, but the best one that I saw was the Giants vs the Chargers. New York pretty much had control in the game. Phillip Rivers the quarterback of San Diego had two interceptions in the game and one was at the end when they were behind a touchdown. The Chargers ended up stopping the Giants that next drive and Phillip Rivers got a chance for redemption. They got the ball with 2:03 left in the game and Rivers drove his team down the field and completed an 18 yard touchdown with seconds left in the game. San Diego won the game 21 to 20. After the interception he could have gave up, but he believed in himself and his team and they ended up getting the victory.
There are going to be times in life when you make mistakes. Do not get down on yourself, keep your head up and believe in your abilities.
" It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, what matters is that you keep getting up." -Brandon Zornado

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Spending time with the one's you love!

Last night I had dinner almost ready when my girlfriend got home. We had fish fillet, rice pilaf and a dinner roll. The meal was delicious. After dinner we cleaned up and then she rested for a little bit because she had a long day at school. I watched the blazer game, which was a great game by the way! After she got up from a nap we talked about what we were going to do. Usually on a Friday night we would meet some friends somewhere and maybe grab a drink. Last night we decided to do something just the two of us. We went to Bridgeport Village and got coffee and apple cider and walked around then we went into Borders and looked at a ton of different books that were very interesting. I grabed a couple books about guitar to look at and she walked around and looked at various types of books. Then after a bit we sat down together and looked at a book called, "Nashville TN Insiders 7th Edition." We want to move to Nashville within a year and this book was very helpful. We learned a lot about the different areas and places to visit when we go in the spring for vacation. I ordered the book today on amazon so we can figure more out and have a plan before we get there. After that we went home and looked at places to get married when the day comes. Last night was an amazing night and I spent it with the girl that means the world to me.
In life you have to spend time with the one's you love and show them that the time you guys have together is special. You do not always have to have a plan of what you are going to do. Sometimes things are the best when they are decided at the last minute. Do something with someone you love. No matter what you do, cherish the moment and make the best of it.
- " Cherish your loved ones, the best feeling in the world is being with someone you love."

Friday, November 6, 2009


Thank God It's Friday! Today is the best day of the week because it starts the weekend. Everyone has been at work all week and now it is time to relax and have some fun. The whole day is a good day usually, even at work. Everyone is more energetic and seems to be in a better mood on Friday's. It is probably just because everyone knows that they do not have to go to work tomorrow. All the restaurant owners must love Friday's as well because everyone usually goes out to happy hour and dinner on this day. I think it would be awesome if happy hours were extended on the weekends. People are way more relaxed on the weekends and more likely to go out and have a good time, so why not have great prices on Fridays and Saturdays to make everyone happy. Life is about having a good time and doing things that you enjoy with ones that you love and are close to. So today after work go do something fun. Go out to dinner, go to a movie, meet some friends somewhere. Whatever you decide to do, make the best of it and allow yourself to have a good time.
" Enjoy each day, you never know when it will be your last." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Everyone has certain things that get to them. Some more than others! No matter what there will be a time when you are frustrated with something. I try to stay as positive as I can in every situation but I must say that there are a couple things that I can just not stand. I can not stand wet jeans. It is one of the most uncomfortable things ever. I do not like it when I wear ankle socks and the sock falls below my ankle and it is pushed up under my foot. I know that this last one has happened to almost everyone and I think it is so frustrating but funny at the same time because it never changes. I really do not like it when the Internet goes out and you call your Internet provider and the operator takes you through a series of unnecessary questions. Then you get transferred and a recording says " If you are having Internet problems, please visit" Now the funny part of this is that my Internet is down, so how would I visit the website that they are suggesting?
In life you will always come across a situation that may upset you. Try to keep your cool and look for a positive solution. Take all negative things that happen to you in your life and flush them out and forget about them.
" Life is too short to let the little things upset you, keep your chin up and stay positive."
-Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Feeling good about yourself!

This week has been a beautiful week outside. I never thought that we would have such good weather this time of year. Every day I go to the gym and get a good workout in. I feel that I am way more productive when I get it done first thing in the morning. Working out is a mental thing and I believe the hardest thing for people to do is just get to the gym. Once you are in the gym the rest is easy because you know that you want to get in better shape and it is actually a lot of fun to workout. It is a proven fact that people live a more healthy life style when they incorporate some type of workout into their schedule. It does not have to be every day, but at least do something 3 to 4 days a week to keep you active. The funny thing about working out in gyms is that I know most of the new faces I see there will only make it a couple months. It happens every year. Usually in the middle of December is when it gets really busy and even more right after New Year's. Everyone makes a new year's resolution that they are going to go to the gym and get in better shape. A lot of people try it out and then they loose motivation and stop going until the next year. People are creature's of habit and are afraid to try new things in their life and take risks. I love to take risks because the end result is always so much better when you succeed in something you believe in.

" Life is a battle. You win some and you loose some, but what is important is that you tried."
- Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My bio

My name is Brandon and I am not like most 23 year old guys. I have experienced a lot in my life and I believe in making every moment a positive one. All people have a vision of what they want to do when they grow up and I myself have wanted to be many different things. One day I will get an idea of something that I want to be or do in my life and I will convince myself that it is going to happen. I believe in dreaming big and having goals to accomplish. I am not the kind of person to stay home and watch " Why is America fat?" shows. I am the type of person that goes out and tries to make a difference every day. My life is never a dull moment and I have had many things happen that I would love to talk about in my future blogs. In life you can either look at things in a positive or a negative way. I like to use the analogy, " Is your glass half full or half empty?" In my life the glass is always half full.
"Life is what you make of it, so make it worth while." - Brandon Zornado