Sunday, November 15, 2009


In the dictionary the word addiction is described as , " the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something." There are many things that people can become addicted to. Addictions such as drugs, alcohol, stealing, smoking, betting, abuse etc, can have a very negative outlook on someones life. People think that if they do it one time then it is ok, but they do not realize initially what can happen. When a person becomes addicted to something it can be very hard to stop. I have had close people in my life become addicted to things and I have seen how their life changed drastically for the worse.
I do have to admit that I am currently addicted to things but they are all positive. I am addicted to playing the guitar, hanging out with friends and family, and enjoying my life. Addictions do not have to be bad. If you surround yourself with positive things and people then everything will be fine. It is very important to think about something and the consequences that may occur before you make your decision. There are things that are not worth it and there will be times when you are peer pressured but you do not have to give in. Just make sure that you stand up for what you believe is right.

- " Addictions can be good or bad, make sure you choose the right one." -Brandon Zornado

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