Friday, November 6, 2009


Thank God It's Friday! Today is the best day of the week because it starts the weekend. Everyone has been at work all week and now it is time to relax and have some fun. The whole day is a good day usually, even at work. Everyone is more energetic and seems to be in a better mood on Friday's. It is probably just because everyone knows that they do not have to go to work tomorrow. All the restaurant owners must love Friday's as well because everyone usually goes out to happy hour and dinner on this day. I think it would be awesome if happy hours were extended on the weekends. People are way more relaxed on the weekends and more likely to go out and have a good time, so why not have great prices on Fridays and Saturdays to make everyone happy. Life is about having a good time and doing things that you enjoy with ones that you love and are close to. So today after work go do something fun. Go out to dinner, go to a movie, meet some friends somewhere. Whatever you decide to do, make the best of it and allow yourself to have a good time.
" Enjoy each day, you never know when it will be your last." -Brandon Zornado

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