Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My bio

My name is Brandon and I am not like most 23 year old guys. I have experienced a lot in my life and I believe in making every moment a positive one. All people have a vision of what they want to do when they grow up and I myself have wanted to be many different things. One day I will get an idea of something that I want to be or do in my life and I will convince myself that it is going to happen. I believe in dreaming big and having goals to accomplish. I am not the kind of person to stay home and watch " Why is America fat?" shows. I am the type of person that goes out and tries to make a difference every day. My life is never a dull moment and I have had many things happen that I would love to talk about in my future blogs. In life you can either look at things in a positive or a negative way. I like to use the analogy, " Is your glass half full or half empty?" In my life the glass is always half full.
"Life is what you make of it, so make it worth while." - Brandon Zornado

1 comment:

  1. Hello Brandon,

    I completely understand regarding being half full or half empty. I consider myself half empty; when I'm half empty I have more clarity on life.


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