Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Relaxation is what rejuvenates our mind and body. It has always been hard for me to relax because I am very energetic and love to keep busy. I will get done doing something and then move right on to something else without even missing a beat. As I have got a little older I have worked hard on trying to take some time to relax. It has been hard, but very rewarding. I love the nights when we just stay in and have a fire and watch a movie. I have learned that you do not always have to be doing something every second of the day. With my previous job I would wake up at at 5:10 a.m to get to work at 6:15. It was very hard for me to get good sleep and relax because my schedule was so different than I was use to. Sometimes I would be in different states for work and the time difference would really get to me. For about ten months I did not get more than 6 hours of sleep a night on average. This last month I have been making sure that I get to bed earlier and get my 8 hours of sleep each night.
It is very important to take time in your life to wined down and let your body relax. Many people are stressed out because they have too much to do and are always on the go. We all need to find time in our lives to slow down and relax.

" Relaxation will give you the energy to keep on going." -Brandon Zornado

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