Thursday, November 5, 2009


Everyone has certain things that get to them. Some more than others! No matter what there will be a time when you are frustrated with something. I try to stay as positive as I can in every situation but I must say that there are a couple things that I can just not stand. I can not stand wet jeans. It is one of the most uncomfortable things ever. I do not like it when I wear ankle socks and the sock falls below my ankle and it is pushed up under my foot. I know that this last one has happened to almost everyone and I think it is so frustrating but funny at the same time because it never changes. I really do not like it when the Internet goes out and you call your Internet provider and the operator takes you through a series of unnecessary questions. Then you get transferred and a recording says " If you are having Internet problems, please visit" Now the funny part of this is that my Internet is down, so how would I visit the website that they are suggesting?
In life you will always come across a situation that may upset you. Try to keep your cool and look for a positive solution. Take all negative things that happen to you in your life and flush them out and forget about them.
" Life is too short to let the little things upset you, keep your chin up and stay positive."
-Brandon Zornado

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