Saturday, November 14, 2009


Growing up you make a lot of different friends. In high school many people have clicks, which are certain friends that they hang out with in a group. All clicks vary from jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, band, art, Gothic etc. Some people will not even acknowledge another person if they are not in their click. College is different because everyone is coming from different places and backgrounds. You become friends with many different people very quickly. You are always around these people and you see them everywhere you go. Some people lose contact with their high school friends when they go to college and then after college many people lose contact with the friends they made there.
I have had many different friends and I have always been very social. Now that I am out of college it is harder to get together with friends because everyone is so busy. I try to keep in contact with all of my close friends and hang out with them whenever I can. It is so important to have friends in your life and do things with them. It is very easy to get caught up in life and lose contact with people who are close to you. If you have a girl friend or boy friend, get another couple together and have a double date or have game night. Try to get in touch with someone that use to be a good friend that you have not talked to in a while. Call your best friend up and see if they want to hang out. Just make sure to not forget about your friends because they are very important. Everyone should always make time for their friends.
" Friendships can last forever." -Brandon Zornado

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