Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cherish your life!

Ever sinse I was a kid I have wanted to make something of my life. Never has there been a dull moment with me. I like to keep everything exciting and adventurous. When I was young I never wanted to miss out on anything. I would stay up all night with my parents and then wake up bright and early. As I got older I always loved meeting new people and getting to know them. My life has been great and I have made the best of it so far. There are so many things that I want to do and see. I know that when I die one day I will have lived an amazing life.
Everyone should have excitement in their lives. You can find it in so many ways. Go shopping, hang out with friends, take a vacation, go to the movies, cook a new meal, make a bucket list, learn how to play an instrument, or just sit down and read a book. Whatever you do, try to have fun with it. Life is to short to not do the things that you want to do. Do not ever tell yourself that there is no meaning to life. There are so many beautiful things that surround us it is unbelievable. I am very thankful for the life that I have been given and everyone else should be thankful for their life as well.

" Enjoy the natural wonders of life, they are everywhere." -Brandon Zornado

1 comment:

  1. Brandon: That was beautiful, but I think you are forgetting to give God the credit for making this world and all that is in it. He created it for us and we should be thankful to Him. I have a feeling you are a believer in God and I do thank you for making me think of all I have to enjoy in this life. Thank you, Aunt Karen
