Sunday, November 8, 2009

Never give up!

Today is Sunday which means, "football." There have been some great games on today, but the best one that I saw was the Giants vs the Chargers. New York pretty much had control in the game. Phillip Rivers the quarterback of San Diego had two interceptions in the game and one was at the end when they were behind a touchdown. The Chargers ended up stopping the Giants that next drive and Phillip Rivers got a chance for redemption. They got the ball with 2:03 left in the game and Rivers drove his team down the field and completed an 18 yard touchdown with seconds left in the game. San Diego won the game 21 to 20. After the interception he could have gave up, but he believed in himself and his team and they ended up getting the victory.
There are going to be times in life when you make mistakes. Do not get down on yourself, keep your head up and believe in your abilities.
" It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, what matters is that you keep getting up." -Brandon Zornado

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