Saturday, November 7, 2009

Spending time with the one's you love!

Last night I had dinner almost ready when my girlfriend got home. We had fish fillet, rice pilaf and a dinner roll. The meal was delicious. After dinner we cleaned up and then she rested for a little bit because she had a long day at school. I watched the blazer game, which was a great game by the way! After she got up from a nap we talked about what we were going to do. Usually on a Friday night we would meet some friends somewhere and maybe grab a drink. Last night we decided to do something just the two of us. We went to Bridgeport Village and got coffee and apple cider and walked around then we went into Borders and looked at a ton of different books that were very interesting. I grabed a couple books about guitar to look at and she walked around and looked at various types of books. Then after a bit we sat down together and looked at a book called, "Nashville TN Insiders 7th Edition." We want to move to Nashville within a year and this book was very helpful. We learned a lot about the different areas and places to visit when we go in the spring for vacation. I ordered the book today on amazon so we can figure more out and have a plan before we get there. After that we went home and looked at places to get married when the day comes. Last night was an amazing night and I spent it with the girl that means the world to me.
In life you have to spend time with the one's you love and show them that the time you guys have together is special. You do not always have to have a plan of what you are going to do. Sometimes things are the best when they are decided at the last minute. Do something with someone you love. No matter what you do, cherish the moment and make the best of it.
- " Cherish your loved ones, the best feeling in the world is being with someone you love."

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