Monday, November 9, 2009

Be productive!

My life tends to get a little hectic at times. I love staying busy and doing new things. If I am finished with one thing I will immediately look for something else to do. Growing up I have figured out that it is way better for me to keep busy and do things as they are presented to me rather than put them off until another time. Organization had always been a big part of my life and it has worked out very well for me. In school I was never one to do a paper at the last second. I would always have to get it done a couple days early so that I did not have to worry about it. It is not even the middle of November and my girlfriend and I are almost finished with all of our Christmas shopping. Woo hoo! I believe that the sooner I get something done the less stress it puts on me and I feel way more productive.
A lot of stress in people's lives occur when they have to much to do and not enough time. If everyone just relaxed a bit and did things in steps then they would not have as much stress. Try to not put off things until a later time because more will occur and it will all pile up. Whatever it is that you are doing, try your best to be productive.
" Work hard to play hard." -Brandon Zornado

1 comment:

  1. You are very positive and have a good spirit, we need more young people to listen to their hearts and follow their dreams. You only have one life to live and it sounds like your living it to the fullest!!! Good for you Brandon.
