Monday, November 23, 2009

Priceless Entertainment!

Most things these days cost a lot to do. Even going to a movie costs about ten dollars a person. If you want a drink and some popcorn it is going to cost close to 35 dollars for two people. I love to go out and have a great time. It is ok to go out every once in a while and spend some money on a nice evening. However there is something you can do that is very fun and it is free. Get your boyfriend/ girlfriend, friend, husband or wife and go to the airport. When you get there go get a coffee or whatever it is that you want to drink and find a bench or a seat somewhere close to the security checkpoint. It is the best place in the world to people watch. Everyone is always in such a hurry and they all act different about this situation. I have traveled a lot for work and I have seen some hilarious things while going through security and waiting for my plane. On a day when you cant find anything to do go to the airport and people watch. It is entertainment that does not cost you anything.
" The priceless moments are the one's you remember forever." -Brandon Zornado

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