Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Self Image!

Image is what someone is on the outside and what other's typically view them as. In today's society image tends to be everything. Some people are blessed with more appealing looks than other's and some have to really try. In the entertainment industry, image is all over TV, magazines, billboards etc... The stars are trying to create an image so that other's will find them appealing and like them. Just because you see someones image on the outside that does not mean that is really who they are. A lot of people are fake and put on a show just to get the attention of other's.
Every person is different and unique in their own ways. Whoever you are, that is the person you should always be. Do not feel that you need to be someone you are not. We all have an image that was given to us and we can not change that. Be happy for who you are and let other's know that you are confident with your own image.

" No matter what everyone has their own beautiful image, let it be shown." -Brandon Zornado

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