Monday, November 30, 2009

Make a list!

The holidays are here and there is something different to do each day. With the amount of things that need to get done and so little time it can be very hard to be productive. I was very persistent this year and got all my Christmas shopping done early. Usually I go out and buy gifts that catch my eye and remind me of the person that I am buying for. I did it different this year, and I planned out what I was going to get for each person, then I went out and found it. By doing this I did not make impulse purchases and I stayed within my budget.
Something else that I find to be very helpful, is to make a list when you first wake up of all the things you want to accomplish during the day. This way you have some direction and when you finish something you can cross it off your list. You will feel way more organized and I find it to be very productive and less stressful. It is ok if you do not get all the things accomplished on your list, but I guarantee you will get more done than if you did not do it.
" Being persistent will allow you to reach greater heights of accomplishment."
-Brandon Zornado

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