Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Feeling good about yourself!

This week has been a beautiful week outside. I never thought that we would have such good weather this time of year. Every day I go to the gym and get a good workout in. I feel that I am way more productive when I get it done first thing in the morning. Working out is a mental thing and I believe the hardest thing for people to do is just get to the gym. Once you are in the gym the rest is easy because you know that you want to get in better shape and it is actually a lot of fun to workout. It is a proven fact that people live a more healthy life style when they incorporate some type of workout into their schedule. It does not have to be every day, but at least do something 3 to 4 days a week to keep you active. The funny thing about working out in gyms is that I know most of the new faces I see there will only make it a couple months. It happens every year. Usually in the middle of December is when it gets really busy and even more right after New Year's. Everyone makes a new year's resolution that they are going to go to the gym and get in better shape. A lot of people try it out and then they loose motivation and stop going until the next year. People are creature's of habit and are afraid to try new things in their life and take risks. I love to take risks because the end result is always so much better when you succeed in something you believe in.

" Life is a battle. You win some and you loose some, but what is important is that you tried."
- Brandon Zornado

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