Sunday, November 22, 2009

Plan ahead!

Most people have a vision of how they would like their future to go. I want to be a country song-writer, in Nashville TN. Just because I want to do that does not mean that I just up and move this second. Nashville TN is the capitol of " Country Music." Most country superstars come from all over the world to make it in Nashville. There are four reasons that people move to Nashville who want to succeed in the industry. 1. Become a singer. 2. Become a songwriter. 3. Become a backup singer or musician. 4. Become involved in the business of the music industry. So many people go to Nashville hoping for a miracle right away and the one's who have a plan before they go have much more success. I love writing and I want to do it because I have a pasion for it. I am going to visit this January for four days to map some things out and maybe get a couple contacts as far as places to live and jobs within the music industry. Everyone has to start somewhere and I am willing to give it my all to make it as a successful song-writer one day.
Whatever your vision is, have a plan of how you want to get there. You will have much higher chances of accomplishment. Start from the bottom and work your way up until you are where you want to be. Nothing is going to be handed to you, so work hard for what you want.
" A plan of attack will set you higher above the one's on the same battlefield." -Brandon Zornado

1 comment:

  1. Your right!!! You have to have a plan in life and always be organized. Its diffenitly keeps you on track. Live in the moment, but its best to have a future dream to acheive,and look forward to.
