Monday, November 16, 2009


I have always played sports growing up and I never really got hurt all the way through High School. I went to Clackamas Community College my first two years and played Baseball. I ended up being a NWACC All-Star. After I was finished at CCC I played in a collegiate wood bat summer league. I had a few injuries that summer, I messed my knee up and had to have it drained , I hurt my arm pitching and then a couple other minor injuries. That fall I went to Western Oregon University to play Baseball. I played very well in the Fall and at one of our last games before Winter I blew out my arm in the outfield. It caused me to stop playing baseball in college and I had to take time off for close to two years. I got my arm strengthened again and this last year I played Adult Baseball in the Portland City League.
When you get injured, no matter what type of injury, you have to take the proper steps to recovery. The worst thing that you can do when you are injured is do to much. People get injured in sports and try to go out the next day and play. The best thing for an injury is rest and recovery. If it is a small injury then take Advil and use ice and heat and just relax. If it is a large one then only do as much as you can without exerting yourself or putting pressure on the injured area. Go to physical therapy and do the proper recovery in steps.

" An injury is not the end, it is just a step back to make you stronger." -Brandon Zornado

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