Saturday, November 21, 2009

Admit your weaknesses!

We have all done things in life that we are not proud of. No matter what it is that you have done, do not let it keep you down. Admit your faults and pick yourself back up. People go through phases where they try new things, and sometimes the things that they try are not always the best. I believe everyone deserves a second chance in life. There are a lot of people who have had some really rough upbringings and it is in their ways of life to get into trouble. Sometimes people just need some direction of the way that they should be heading. Everyone should be given the chance to start over and make something of themselves.
There are people that have nothing in this world and have got themselves into all sorts of trouble. Sometimes they just need a friend who is there to comfort them and support them. Do not let things you have done in the past ruin your future. Admit what you have done wrong and learn from the situation.

" Everyone can change for the better, they just need a jump start to power their engine." -Brandon Zornado

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