Friday, November 20, 2009

Be a leader!

This world is full of too many followers. People are always being persuaded into doing things that they do not want to do. A leader is someone who stands up for what they believe in and does not care what other's think of him or her. Just because other people are doing something, it does not mean that you have to do it as well. That is the reason we have so many problems all around the world. One person does something and other's follow along to look cool or get ahead some way.
I think that the best way to get ahead in life is by doing it yourself. There is a saying that says, " you can not trust anyone but yourself." I do not fully agree with that statement because I do have a lot of people in my life that I trust. However I do believe in standing up for myself and no matter what the situation is, I will do what I think is best. There have been many times in my life where I have been pressured to do something, but I stood strong and did not give in. I did not care if at the time I was not cool because that was not who I was. The one's who follow will not succeed the right way. They will be persuaded into ways in which they deep down do not agree with, but they are not strong enough to say anything and be who they really are. Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Find the courage inside you to show others who really are.

" Your true friends are the one's who love you for whoever it is you are, not who someone else wants you to be." -Brandon Zornado


  1. You are so right! No one likes to deal with conflict or being persuaded. It sometimes takes people alot longer to be real. Be true to your heart,be honest,call a Spade a Spade and you'll always earn respect.
