Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th!

Today is a historic day. It has always been marked as a day of unlucky and strange occurrences. The unlucky number 13 symbolizes today. Many people try to keep the day very simple and are afraid to drive or even go out of the house. They think that something crazy and unusual will happen to them.
I said in a earlier post that Friday is my favorite day of the week. I am not letting this day be any different. I am going to enjoy myself and have a great evening. I am going to watch the Blazer game with my girlfriend and our friends then we are going to go to a fashion show downtown. People should not let things stop them from doing something. If everyone believed everything that they heard then this world would be a lot more screwed up then it already is. Enjoy your day today and be positive about anything that you do.
" Believe in yourself, if you do not think you can accomplish something then there is no use in trying." -Brandon Zornado

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