Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Get a hobby!

There are so many things that I enjoy. I am always trying to do things that are exciting and interesting to me. I have always been so busy with everything and lately I have had some free time. In the last 6 months I have really focused on learning how to play the guitar. I took lessons each week for 6 months and I gained a lot of useful information. I became better every single week and noticed a lot of improvement by the end of my lessons. I am now taking it a step further and teaching myself the rest. I am focusing a lot on finger picking right now and next I will learn how to actually read the music notes. I want to become the best that I can and the only way to do that is practice and keep learning. Playing the guitar is honestly the number one thing I like to do by myself. It is so relaxing and I have gained such an appreciation for it.
Everyone deserves to have a hobby that they can enjoy. There are so many different things out there to try and learn. It is amazing when you start doing something you have never done before. It feels so uncomfortable at first, but the more you do it the better you will get and the more fun you will have. No matter what it is, if you practice enough at something you can get good. Find something that you think would be interesting to do and try it out.

" Nothing is too big to accomplish if your heart is in it till the end." -Brandon Zornado

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