Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday!

Today is the biggest shopping day of the year. All the stores open around 4 to 6 am and there are hundreds of people waiting in line to rush through the door to get the big sales. I love this day because the focus is now directed towards Christmas. Everyone is up bright and early and the day if full of chaos and excitement. We were at the stores today at 3am and we got some amazing deals. The stores only have their huge sale event for the first 4 or so hours, so it is best to get there first thing when they open.
This year it was not as busy as previous years, probably because everyone is trying to cut back and not spend as much. The holidays are not a time to see how much you can spend on a gift. They are about spending time with the ones you love and giving something meaningful. It doesn't matter the price of your gift, the thought is what counts. Enjoy yourself this holiday season and be thankful for everything that you have.
" The best gift is one given from the heart." -Brandon Zornado

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