Thursday, December 31, 2009

Be safe!

Happy New Year's Eve! Today is one of the biggest nights of the year because we are saying goodbye to the year and welcoming a new one. It is one of the number one day's and nights to go out and party. Whether you go downtown to a club, go to someones house or just stay in for the night. There will be a ton of cops out so make sure that you are smart and if you drink, wait till you sober up to drive. If you know someone that could be a designated driver, that would be a great way to go. I hope that everyone has fun with whatever they do tonight, and that we all make good decisions. Happy New Year!

" A memory of the past, can lead to a moment in the future."
-Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year's Resolutions!

New Year's Eve is tomorrow, which means it is the last day before the new year of 2010. Each year people always make resolutions that they end up not following through with all the way. This year, how about we make goals for ourselves that we can reach. If you set too high of goals, then you might get discouraged and become let down. Make some goals to better your health and help you save some money throughout these hard times. Have fun with your goals and enjoy them. They are not meant to torture you and make your life worse, they are to make it better and help you feel good about yourself. I hope that everyone has a wonderful new year's eve tomorrow and that all of their wishes come true.

" Believe in yourself, dont give up on something you want."
-Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's Snowing!

Today when I was eating lunch I looked out the window and I saw that it was starting to snow. There is 2 inches of snow now at my place in Tualatin. It is coming down hard, and it is awesome. The traffic is horrible today and there have already been a lot of accidents. The snow won't be here for long, so let's enjoy it when it is. When you get home tonight, make a fire and have some tea and look out at the snow. It is a wonderful sight and we should be thankful for it's beauty. Enjoy your day and drive safe.

" Life is a journey, live it." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, December 28, 2009

The flu!

This year many people are getting the, " Swine Flu." It is highly contagious and it also can be deadly. Many people travel during the holiday's and while in the airports you come in contact with many different people. The ventilation on the airplanes is not good and the chances of catching the flu is greater. My girlfriend and I just got the H1N1 vaccination which helps prevent the, " Swine Flu." I suggest that everyone always washes their hands and uses sanitizer. Also, keep your fingers out of your eyes and try to get good sleep. The flu is not a fun thing, so do your best to prevent it.

" If you plan ahead, then you will be ready for what is going to happen."
-Brandon Zornado

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Learn something new everyday!

The learning process for a human is never ending. When we are young and in school we are constantly learning new things that will help our brain develop.The same is true when we are out of school. I remember when I was young, there were things that I did not understand and my parents told me, " don't worry Brandon, one day it will make sense." They were right, most of the things I wondered about, I learned later on in life. Just because we finish school doesn't mean that we stop learning. There is so much useful information in this world that can help us become smarter. Reading is one of the top activities to do in order to make you smarter. When you read you don't only learn how to pronounce words, you learn how they develop into stories. The newspaper is also very useful , because you get to read about everything going on in the world. Something that I really enjoy doing is meeting and talking to new people. Everyone has a different outlook on things and you can really learn a lot from someone else that you didn't think was possible. Don't give up on learning, we should all try to learn something new everyday.

" You can't stop learning, so always have an open mind and find out something new."
-Brandon Zornado

Saturday, December 26, 2009


The economy is still down and who really knows when it will get better. During this time of year, we tend to spend more because of Christmas and everything else involved with the Holiday's. However we can be smart about how we spend, so that our bank account doesn't feel it as much. Try to stay in and cook meals, there are so many different recipes out there. Believe me, you save a lot of money eating in. The electric bills are always higher during the colder winter months so find a comfortable temperature for your heater and leave it. Do not keep adjusting it, because it will have to work harder and it will cost you more. When you are not watching the TV, turn it off and always make sure to turn off any lights that you were using when you are finished. There are many different ways too conserve, but I just wanted to point out the obvious one's to help you save some money.

" Conserve a little and save a lot." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope that everyone had a wonderful day. Today is the best day of the year in my mind, because there is so much to it. You get to spend time with your loved one's and exchange presents. Who would not like that? I went to 4 Christmas's today and they were all amazing. I had two yesterday and one the day before. I love Christmas and everything about the preparation. I hope that everyone kept their positive attitudes going all day and enjoyed themselves. New Years is right around the corner, so make sure you keep your glass half full and get ready for a great 2010
Year. Once again, " Merry Christmas!"

" Enjoy today, and worry about the next day tomorrow." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's almost time!

Today is Dec 24Th, which means that it is Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas! The weather channel said that there is a very slight chance that we will have a White Christmas, but we can still hope for it. I know everyone is probably getting off work early today if they even have to go in. Many people get together with one side of the family tonight and then the other side tomorrow. My Christmas's started last night! My girlfriend and I did our X-mas together which was absolutely fantastic. Now today we will be going over to my Mom's house to do Christmas with her and my Step-Dad, then later tonight we will be doing it at my girlfriend's parents house, then tomorrow we will wake up and I go to Christmas at my Dad's then we go over to my Grandma's in Estacada then my girlfriend will meet back up with me at my Aunts house on my Mom's side and we will do Christmas with the whole family there, then tomorrow night we will do Christmas at my other Aunt's house on my Step-Dad's side. It is a very jammed packed couple of days, but we are ready for it. I hope that everyone enjoys their time with their friends and family tonight and tomorrow. Remember it is not about the presents, it is about spending time with the one's you love and giving back.

" Smile big, be thankful, show your love, and thank the Lord." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The "Golden Rule"

The " Golden Rule" is, "do onto other's as you wish they would do onto you." The rule should always apply, but especially right now during the Holiday's. We need to be thankful of everything we have and be kind to everyone else out there in the world. I know it can be a very hectic time, but that is no excuse to be grumpy and not be in a good mood. There is so much to enjoy this time of the year and I really get upset when I see someone that looks like they are not enjoying themselves. I have done some promotions this month and I have talked to a lot of different people. I have noticed that many people do not seem happy and they are never smiling. I always like to smile and make other's feel good. So when you come in contact with someone, be happy and be thankful for everything you have.

" One smile can change a stranger's day." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Take a walk!

Walking is a very relaxing exercise. It actually is better on your joints then running is. You can pretty much take a walk any time of the year. In the spring and summer time you can go out in a t-shirt and shorts and enjoy the sun. In the fall and winter all you have to do is bundle up a bit and you can still go enjoy the outdoors. I like to walk, it allows me to gather myself and take a little time to just relax. Walking is not exerting and it is something everyone can do. It will build leg strength and help you feel better about yourself. You can walk with a partner or you can do it by yourself. So try and incorporate a little walking into you life.

" The little things can make a big difference." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, December 21, 2009

Car Maintenance!

It is so important to keep the maintenance up on your car. The life of your car will be a lot longer if you do. You need to get the oil changed every 3,000 miles and you need to take it in for a check up. My parents got my a 1994 Toyota Celica when I was a sophomore in High School, and I loved that car! I put a lot of miles on her and she went through a lot. After college I got a job where I was traveling all over, which meant more miles on my car. I named her, " Shiniqua." We had a special bond and I never really had to spend too much money on her. My uncle works for Toyota and if anything ever went wrong, he would take care of me and get me an amazing deal. A few months ago in August my car was having a lot of engine problems and with over 200,000 miles on the car it was time to say goodbye to, "Shiniqua." It was very hard to do but it was time. I called up my uncle and said, " It's time for me to get a new car." I was a little nervous because I had Shiniqua for so long, but I knew it was time. I got a great deal on my car and I love it. The car I got is a brand new 2010 Scion TC. It is white and she is beautiful. I named her, "Pearl." I make sure that she is always clean and has a full tank of gas. I have about 3500 miles on her now and I will be taking her in for her check up and tire rotation when she hits 5,000 miles. Take pride in your car and give it the loving that it deserves.

" A car needs fuel to run, just like we need food to survive, give it what it needs, unless down the road you want to pay more fees." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Poem!

A poem is something special, it has meaning, character, detail, and structure. I have wrote poems for a while and I truly enjoy it. Each poem I write, I find myself so connected with the words. All of my poems come straight from my heart and as a writer I get enjoyment out of the whole entire process of writing a poem. From the beginning I need to think of what I am going to write about, that is usually the hardest part. Most of my poems tend to be about love. I think of myself as a romantic person and I love to express my feelings not only in person but in a poem. Once I have found a topic then the words just start to flow. A poem is not something that should drag on, it should be simple and to the point.
I love my girlfriend so much and I always write her a poem on our anniversary, she is so special to me and I always want to remind her how much she means to me. Here is a poem that I wrote for her. It is called, " Only Girl For Me."

Only Girl For Me

When I’m with you,
it’s like a dream that’s come true.
Not a moment gone by,
that your not on my mind.

Everyday you put a smile on my face,
your beauty catches me in every way.
I love the way that you talk to me,
the way you hug me, and kiss me on the cheek.

Here we are you and me,
as perfect as can be.
You’re the light of my life,
each day and every night.

Having you by my side,
I always feel alive.
Enjoying all that you do,
my love for you is true.

What we have wont ever die,
our two minds think alike.
Starring deep into your eyes,
I am mesmerized.

You hair is so soft,
your lips are so sweet.
Just being with you,
never am I weak.

" Don't let your feelings be unheard, if you love someone tell them, and mean it
from your heart." - Brandon Zornado

Saturday, December 19, 2009


I have been given a great life. Growing up my parents always spoiled me and made sure that I had the coolest toys, the most stylish clothes, they put me in private schools, and we always went on vacations. I am very thankful for the life that I have been given and there is so much that they have done for me that I appreciate. I also appreciate everything the my girlfriend does for me. She has always been there by my side and believed in me. She motivates me to want to succeed in everything I do and she is such and important and wonderful part of my life. I appreciate my friends as well, because they are great to hang out with and easy to talk to. They all are different but exciting in their own ways.
Everyone should appreciate the close one's in their lives such as: family, girlfriends/boyfriends, and friends. We also should appreciate all the wonderful things that we get to experience. There is so much beauty in this world and people don't realize it. We should not let life's moments pass us by, we should take them in and embrace them. Whenever someone does something nice for you, show your appreciation to them and return the favor. If you go out to a nice dinner, take a moment to let your server know how good of a job they did. If you go on vacation and see a beautiful sight, then stop and appreciate the image and be thankful that you are there. Appreciate everything in your life, we all have been given great things that we sometimes forget about.

" If you appreciate a moment, that moment will live on with you forever."
- Brandon Zornado

Friday, December 18, 2009

X-Mas Parties!

It is the time of the year when we get together with friends, family and co-workers for Christmas parties. I know a lot of people dread going to them, but everyone should be thankful that they were even invited. We should not tell ourselves that we don't want to go and that it wont be any fun. We should be positive and take a side dish to the party and maybe have a drink or two and have a wonderful time. Tonight my mom, girlfriend and I our going to a Christmas party in Jansen Beach then we are going to watch the X-mas ships on the water. I am very excited to share the evening with my two favorite girls! If you are invited to a party this year,don't be a grinch, go and enjoy yourself.

" If you hold back on something, you will never know the outcome."
-Brandon Zornado

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Communication is probably one of the most important things in our lives. We should use it in almost ever situation. I know that with different jobs I have had, communication has helped me out so much with my co-workers, bosses, and clients. A lot of problems would not ever occur if people communicated at first. I have never been married but I have been with a wonderful girl for over four years and I know that communicating with her is so important. If there was no communication in our relationship, then it would be way different. We both understand each other and we listen to one another. If there is something the other one doesn't want to do, then we will say it. Communication can go along way and I really believe that it is the single most important thing to a healthy relationship.

" If you never tell someone how you feel, they will never know."
- Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Here comes the rain!

Yes everybody, it is raining! We live in the Northwest and it is almost Winter, what do you expect? Rain is not my favorite thing, I prefer sun. However it is actually very cozy to relax at home with a window open and listen to the rain. The different sounds you hear when the rain falls are very soothing. Sometimes a gloomy and rainy day is the perfect thing, because you can stay inside and get some things done around the house, read a book, watch some movies, cuddle up with a loved one by a fire, bake some treats, or maybe even take a nap. Be positive and still be productive when it rains. Believe me, there are way worse things to worry about.

" A silent moment can speak so loudly." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


There are so many things to do in this world. Don't let yourself get into a boring routine and do the same thing all the time. Life is wonderful and it should be filled with variety. I am always doing something and I make sure that it usually has some sort of variation. I will never do something the same, because I find it boring. I like to spice things up and add excitement to them. Trying something new is one of my favorite things to do because I don't know what to expect. I can let my mind wonder however it wants to.
Try to find some variety in your life. It is very easy to do, go to a different restaurant, make a different food dish at home, try a new type of coffee, sleep on the other side of the bed, switch up your workout routine, watch a scary movie instead of a funny one. I could go on for hours about different types of variety, but I hope that everyone can find it in their lives to switch it up a bit and keep it interesting.

" If you only focus on one color of a rainbow, you will miss out on the other's."
-Brandon Zornado

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hope is defined as, " the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best." I'm sure that a lot of people in their lives have lost hope along the way. Sometimes things don't turn out the way you want them to, but that is life. Just because something has not happened exactly the way you want, doesn't mean that you give up on hoping and trying. The simplest thing can make a big difference and when you realize that you can change an entire outcome for the better. People need hope so that they know everything will be ok. The Christmas season is the perfect time to give someone hope and show them that they have something to look forward to.

" Life doesn't always go the way you want, but if you have hope there is always a chance it may." - Brandon Zornado

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wishful thinking!

Tonight my girlfriend and I watched a Christmas movie called, "Christmas Clause." It is about a hard working lawyer who is a wife and mother of three. She does not have enough time in the day to get everything done and she is so focused on everything else in life but her own. She runs into an old friend who is very successful and seems to have a wonderful life. When she is at the mall with her girls, they go to see Santa and she is asked what she wants for Christmas. She wishes to have the life of her friend that she ran into. Her wish is granted and she is forced to find the true meaning of her old life and what is important in it. The movie is great and I suggest watching it.
Don't get caught up in everything else in life. Of course we all want to have a good career, but work is work and it should not take over who you are. Family is the important thing, and being there for your kids and spouse is what it is all about. I know that when I am married and have kids I will always put them first because I will love them and want to be involved with them as much as possible. I don't want the important things in life to pass on by.

" If you only focus on one thing, other great one's may slip on by."

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chance of snow!

It is cold outside and there is a good chance that it will snow tonight. It has been raining some today and the temperature is below freezing. It is very important that when you are driving to be safe. Give yourself a little extra time to get where you are going. Even though it has not snowed yet, the roads are starting to get slippy and the rain could turn to freezing. Most people in Oregon don't know how to drive in bad weather. Just make sure that you are cautious and always keeping your eyes on the road.
I hope that it snows, because it is wonderful when it does. I don't want the city to shut down for two weeks like last year but a few days would be great. I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday!

" Wish for something big, who knows, it might come true." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, December 11, 2009

A work of art!

Today after a work promotion I met my girlfriend downtown and we went to the Benson Hotel. The Hotel is decorated to look just like Christmas. At the hotel there is a Gingerbread display done by Chef Dave Diffendorfer. He has done this annual display different every single year for 15 years. This year was a replica of the Benson Hotel. The display took 300 work hours,and was made up of 75 pounds of gingerbread, 25 pounds of marzipan, and 20 pounds of chocolate. It was absolutely beautiful.
It is amazing what skills people have. To think that this gingerbread display was done by just one person is insane. Every little detail was outstanding and it is truly worth seeing.

" Use the skills you have to make your own masterpiece." -Brandon Zornado

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Give a little back!

There are so many volunteer opportunities in our communities. The gift of giving goes along way, so find some time and give a little back. It does not have to be a whole day event, but maybe just a few hours. There are a lot of people out there that could really use some help. The feeling is wonderful when you are a part of that. I belong to a few promotion companies and today I did a promotion with, "Disney." Our slogan for the day was," Give a day, get a Disney day." How it works during the 2010 year is if you volunteer a day of your time to one of the places on the website then in return you will get a ticket voucher good for entrance into one of the Disney Theme Parks. I have done many different promotions over the last couple years and this was by far one of my favorites. There were people from PR, Marketing, Character Development, Management, Radio and Advertising, that worked for Disney all over the world. KATU was there doing interviews with some of us. It was an unbelievable day and I am honored to say that I was a part of it. The look on people's faces when they saw us made me smile ever bigger. I am always having fun,I love being involved in as much as possible, but the times when I am the most satisfied are when I am helping others and showing them a good time.

" If you give a little, you can get a lot in return." - Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Love it the most beautiful thing in the world. It is so amazing when you fall in love with someone. The way they make you feel is out of this world. Infactuation is when you are focused primarily on just looks, but love is way deeper. You have a connection with another person that goes way beyond anything else. The feeling I have towards my girlfriend is unbelievable. She it the best girl a guy could ever ask for. Not only is she beautiful inside and out, but she is talented in so many different ways and I absolutely adore her. I know that she is the perfect girl for me because of the way I feel about her. I could sit in a empty room with her and I would be completely satisfied because the only thing I need would be right there with me. I love her so much and she makes my world complete.

" Love is something special, so when you find it never let it go." -Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My parents have been there for me my whole life. Ever since I was a little kid, they have been showing me the way. I never wanted to leave their sight, they were my role models and they still are. As I grew up I became involved in sports. My Dad was my little league coach and he taught me everything I know. All through little league, junior ball, summer ball and high school, he never missed a game of mine. He was my biggest fan and today I am his biggest fan. I have always had a very close relationship with my Mom. She is like a best friend as well to me. I can tell her anything because I feel comfortable around her. If I ever need advise, she is the one I go to. My Mom is the sweetest girl in the world and she does so much for me. I talk to my Mom every single day on the phone and whenever I hear her voice I am happy. I know that she will always be there for me and I will always be there for her. I love her so much. My Step-Dad Sam is amazing! He is like a big brother, we get along great. He always is giving me life advise that I really appreciate. If I am doing something that he does not think is right, he will tell me because he loves me. He wants the best for me and he is truly a blessing for me to have in my life.
My parents have given me a great life and I thank them for all that they have done. Make sure that you tell your parents you love them. Some people are not as close with their parents as other's, but it is important to stay in contact with them and let them know that you are always thinking about them.
" Parents give children wings, they also show them how to fly, it is your turn to show them what you can do in the sky." -Brandon Zornado

Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday Cheer!

It is the Holiday Season, which means it is the time of year to be thankful and celebrate. It is now time to put up Christmas lights and decorate the inside or your house. Make it a fun night with the family and get everything done. Some fun things to do during the Holiday's are: drive around and look at Christmas lights, go to a play, tree lighting event, get some coffee or tea and walk around downtown, watch a Christmas movie, have a party, make a gingerbread house, bake some treats, get a bottle of wine and go in the hot tub. The Holiday's are filled with many fun things to do, so make sure that you enjoy yourself this year and bring some, " Holiday Cheer."

" Celebrate the wonderful things in life, they are all around you." -Brandon Zornado

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bounce Back!

Life is full of surprises. You never know when something is going to happen. There could be a death in the family, you could lose a job, get a speeding ticket, car accident, do bad on a test in school, etc. There are so many things that can occur that we don't plan for. Of course we don't want them to happen, but that is life. It is very important to not let the negative things in life get you down. There have been many times when I have been upset with something that has happened, but I had no control over it. I always try to keep my head up and be positive about the situation. Focus on what is next and bounce back from the past. If you let the negative things that have happened to you in your life stay with you, then you will never be able to move on.

" An accident is something we can't control, but we can control how we react."
- Brandon Zornado

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Be thankful for your job!

I received a 4 year Business Management Degree from Western Oregon University with a minor in Sports Management. After college I got a job as a Fitness Counselor at 24 Hour Fitness. It was a perfect job to gain experience in my field. I learned a lot when I was there and I had a great time as well. After 24 I got an amazing job at a construction supply company called, " Ames." My position was the Regional Sales Associate and I was the assistant to the Regional Manager. I traveled all over the Northwest and covered eleven different stores in the region. I would stay in each location for about a week and I would be flown there and put up in a nice hotel. All of my meals were paid for and I got to see some very cool places. To have that type of position at my age was very lucky but I have had a lot of experience so I was qualified for the position. I loved the hours, pay, benefits, travel , and co-workers. There was not one thing I disliked about my job. The construction industry is hurting badly right now and this last year a lot of employees in the company have been laid off. My position is different and I never thought it would happen to me, but I was laid off on October 9th right after I got back from a work trip in Spokane WA. I would give anything to have my job with Ames back.
The economy is horrible right now and jobs are hard to find. If you have a job, be thankful that you are working. There are so many people out there that are unemployed and can't find any work. I am young and I will be ok, but I feel really bad for the people who have families that they need to support and are struggling. Do not take anything in life for granted, especially your job right now. You don't know what your missing until you no longer have it. Make sure you go to work everyday and be happy that you are there. Show your boss that you are a hard worker and deserve to always have your position.

" Work hard for what you want, don't ever give someone a reason to take something away from you." -Brandon Zornado

Friday, December 4, 2009


I currently have a dog named, "Dinky" that lives with my parents and I just recently got a cat named, "Lily." Animals are such wonderful creatures. They always seem to be happy and loving life. If I have had a bad day, the sight of my dog or cat cheers me right up. I love how they are right by my side when I am home and they never talk back to me. At first I didn't want to get another animal but I am so happy that I did. I look at my new cat as my little daughter and I am always making sure that she is ok. Never is her water or food bowl empty, and she sleeps right beside me at night. My little dog dinky is the cutest thing in the world and she loves when I come to see her. She will sit in my lap all day long if she could. I enjoy taking her on walks and making sure she gets water when we get back. Animals are great companions and I recommend that everyone who is planning on having kids one day get some sort of animal first because it builds character and responsibility.
" A companion will always be by your side, and love you no matter what."
-Brandon Zornado

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sports Competition!

I have been involved in sports my whole life and I love it. Competition in sports is what it is all about. You practice hard so that when it becomes game time you are ready. There are a lot of ups and downs in sports, because you can't always do good every time. The important thing is that you keep trying and put everything you got into doing your best. It is not about if you win or lose, it is about how hard you try. Some people are naturally gifted in athletics and others have to really work at it. No matter what sport it is the competition concept is still the same. Two teams are playing against each other trying to get the victory. When the winner is decided everyone on each team should not have any regret because they gave it their all.

" If you give it your best shot, you will always be a winner." -Brandon Zornado

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A best friend!

Many people have tons of different friends. As you get older it is hard to find time to get together with everyone. People have families, jobs, responsibilities etc. I know that after college there are some friends that I barley even talk to. I love getting together with my friends, we always have a great time. It is sad though thinking about growing apart from them. I am only 23 years old, so imagine when I am in my 30's. I will have a lot more responsibility, because I will probably have kids, a home and not have the time that I use to have. No matter how many friends a person has, they usually only have one that they call their, "best friend." He or she is a friend that you know will be there for you no matter what. Even if they are busy in their life, they will try to make time for you. You can talk to them about almost anything because they are very similar to yourself and you feel comfortable around them. You will share many great memories with them that you will cherish. I am thankful for my best friend and I know that he will be in my life forever.
" Many friends will help you out, but a best friend will be there till the end."
- Brandon Zornado

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


People all do things that they regret. There is not a person in this world that is perfect. Sometimes people say things that they don't mean. It is very easy to say something hurtful to someone else if you are already mad. What we need to realize, is that we should not hold grudges. Life is too short to be mad at someone you love and care about. Of course there is always going to be a time when you are upset with someone but there should never be a time when you hate them and want nothing to do with them. It is the holiday season, which is a time for forgiveness, it is a time to show your loved one's how much they mean to you. If there is someone in your life that has upset you in someway and you still are mad at them, find it in your heart to let it go and forgive them.
" To forgive is not to forget, but it clears the air and releases your regret."
-Brandon Zornado