Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A best friend!

Many people have tons of different friends. As you get older it is hard to find time to get together with everyone. People have families, jobs, responsibilities etc. I know that after college there are some friends that I barley even talk to. I love getting together with my friends, we always have a great time. It is sad though thinking about growing apart from them. I am only 23 years old, so imagine when I am in my 30's. I will have a lot more responsibility, because I will probably have kids, a home and not have the time that I use to have. No matter how many friends a person has, they usually only have one that they call their, "best friend." He or she is a friend that you know will be there for you no matter what. Even if they are busy in their life, they will try to make time for you. You can talk to them about almost anything because they are very similar to yourself and you feel comfortable around them. You will share many great memories with them that you will cherish. I am thankful for my best friend and I know that he will be in my life forever.
" Many friends will help you out, but a best friend will be there till the end."
- Brandon Zornado

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