Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The "Golden Rule"

The " Golden Rule" is, "do onto other's as you wish they would do onto you." The rule should always apply, but especially right now during the Holiday's. We need to be thankful of everything we have and be kind to everyone else out there in the world. I know it can be a very hectic time, but that is no excuse to be grumpy and not be in a good mood. There is so much to enjoy this time of the year and I really get upset when I see someone that looks like they are not enjoying themselves. I have done some promotions this month and I have talked to a lot of different people. I have noticed that many people do not seem happy and they are never smiling. I always like to smile and make other's feel good. So when you come in contact with someone, be happy and be thankful for everything you have.

" One smile can change a stranger's day." -Brandon Zornado

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