Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's almost time!

Today is Dec 24Th, which means that it is Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas! The weather channel said that there is a very slight chance that we will have a White Christmas, but we can still hope for it. I know everyone is probably getting off work early today if they even have to go in. Many people get together with one side of the family tonight and then the other side tomorrow. My Christmas's started last night! My girlfriend and I did our X-mas together which was absolutely fantastic. Now today we will be going over to my Mom's house to do Christmas with her and my Step-Dad, then later tonight we will be doing it at my girlfriend's parents house, then tomorrow we will wake up and I go to Christmas at my Dad's then we go over to my Grandma's in Estacada then my girlfriend will meet back up with me at my Aunts house on my Mom's side and we will do Christmas with the whole family there, then tomorrow night we will do Christmas at my other Aunt's house on my Step-Dad's side. It is a very jammed packed couple of days, but we are ready for it. I hope that everyone enjoys their time with their friends and family tonight and tomorrow. Remember it is not about the presents, it is about spending time with the one's you love and giving back.

" Smile big, be thankful, show your love, and thank the Lord." -Brandon Zornado

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