Sunday, December 27, 2009

Learn something new everyday!

The learning process for a human is never ending. When we are young and in school we are constantly learning new things that will help our brain develop.The same is true when we are out of school. I remember when I was young, there were things that I did not understand and my parents told me, " don't worry Brandon, one day it will make sense." They were right, most of the things I wondered about, I learned later on in life. Just because we finish school doesn't mean that we stop learning. There is so much useful information in this world that can help us become smarter. Reading is one of the top activities to do in order to make you smarter. When you read you don't only learn how to pronounce words, you learn how they develop into stories. The newspaper is also very useful , because you get to read about everything going on in the world. Something that I really enjoy doing is meeting and talking to new people. Everyone has a different outlook on things and you can really learn a lot from someone else that you didn't think was possible. Don't give up on learning, we should all try to learn something new everyday.

" You can't stop learning, so always have an open mind and find out something new."
-Brandon Zornado

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