Saturday, December 19, 2009


I have been given a great life. Growing up my parents always spoiled me and made sure that I had the coolest toys, the most stylish clothes, they put me in private schools, and we always went on vacations. I am very thankful for the life that I have been given and there is so much that they have done for me that I appreciate. I also appreciate everything the my girlfriend does for me. She has always been there by my side and believed in me. She motivates me to want to succeed in everything I do and she is such and important and wonderful part of my life. I appreciate my friends as well, because they are great to hang out with and easy to talk to. They all are different but exciting in their own ways.
Everyone should appreciate the close one's in their lives such as: family, girlfriends/boyfriends, and friends. We also should appreciate all the wonderful things that we get to experience. There is so much beauty in this world and people don't realize it. We should not let life's moments pass us by, we should take them in and embrace them. Whenever someone does something nice for you, show your appreciation to them and return the favor. If you go out to a nice dinner, take a moment to let your server know how good of a job they did. If you go on vacation and see a beautiful sight, then stop and appreciate the image and be thankful that you are there. Appreciate everything in your life, we all have been given great things that we sometimes forget about.

" If you appreciate a moment, that moment will live on with you forever."
- Brandon Zornado

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