Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Poem!

A poem is something special, it has meaning, character, detail, and structure. I have wrote poems for a while and I truly enjoy it. Each poem I write, I find myself so connected with the words. All of my poems come straight from my heart and as a writer I get enjoyment out of the whole entire process of writing a poem. From the beginning I need to think of what I am going to write about, that is usually the hardest part. Most of my poems tend to be about love. I think of myself as a romantic person and I love to express my feelings not only in person but in a poem. Once I have found a topic then the words just start to flow. A poem is not something that should drag on, it should be simple and to the point.
I love my girlfriend so much and I always write her a poem on our anniversary, she is so special to me and I always want to remind her how much she means to me. Here is a poem that I wrote for her. It is called, " Only Girl For Me."

Only Girl For Me

When I’m with you,
it’s like a dream that’s come true.
Not a moment gone by,
that your not on my mind.

Everyday you put a smile on my face,
your beauty catches me in every way.
I love the way that you talk to me,
the way you hug me, and kiss me on the cheek.

Here we are you and me,
as perfect as can be.
You’re the light of my life,
each day and every night.

Having you by my side,
I always feel alive.
Enjoying all that you do,
my love for you is true.

What we have wont ever die,
our two minds think alike.
Starring deep into your eyes,
I am mesmerized.

You hair is so soft,
your lips are so sweet.
Just being with you,
never am I weak.

" Don't let your feelings be unheard, if you love someone tell them, and mean it
from your heart." - Brandon Zornado

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