Saturday, December 26, 2009


The economy is still down and who really knows when it will get better. During this time of year, we tend to spend more because of Christmas and everything else involved with the Holiday's. However we can be smart about how we spend, so that our bank account doesn't feel it as much. Try to stay in and cook meals, there are so many different recipes out there. Believe me, you save a lot of money eating in. The electric bills are always higher during the colder winter months so find a comfortable temperature for your heater and leave it. Do not keep adjusting it, because it will have to work harder and it will cost you more. When you are not watching the TV, turn it off and always make sure to turn off any lights that you were using when you are finished. There are many different ways too conserve, but I just wanted to point out the obvious one's to help you save some money.

" Conserve a little and save a lot." -Brandon Zornado

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