Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sports Competition!

I have been involved in sports my whole life and I love it. Competition in sports is what it is all about. You practice hard so that when it becomes game time you are ready. There are a lot of ups and downs in sports, because you can't always do good every time. The important thing is that you keep trying and put everything you got into doing your best. It is not about if you win or lose, it is about how hard you try. Some people are naturally gifted in athletics and others have to really work at it. No matter what sport it is the competition concept is still the same. Two teams are playing against each other trying to get the victory. When the winner is decided everyone on each team should not have any regret because they gave it their all.

" If you give it your best shot, you will always be a winner." -Brandon Zornado

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