Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Love it the most beautiful thing in the world. It is so amazing when you fall in love with someone. The way they make you feel is out of this world. Infactuation is when you are focused primarily on just looks, but love is way deeper. You have a connection with another person that goes way beyond anything else. The feeling I have towards my girlfriend is unbelievable. She it the best girl a guy could ever ask for. Not only is she beautiful inside and out, but she is talented in so many different ways and I absolutely adore her. I know that she is the perfect girl for me because of the way I feel about her. I could sit in a empty room with her and I would be completely satisfied because the only thing I need would be right there with me. I love her so much and she makes my world complete.

" Love is something special, so when you find it never let it go." -Brandon Zornado

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