Thursday, December 10, 2009

Give a little back!

There are so many volunteer opportunities in our communities. The gift of giving goes along way, so find some time and give a little back. It does not have to be a whole day event, but maybe just a few hours. There are a lot of people out there that could really use some help. The feeling is wonderful when you are a part of that. I belong to a few promotion companies and today I did a promotion with, "Disney." Our slogan for the day was," Give a day, get a Disney day." How it works during the 2010 year is if you volunteer a day of your time to one of the places on the website then in return you will get a ticket voucher good for entrance into one of the Disney Theme Parks. I have done many different promotions over the last couple years and this was by far one of my favorites. There were people from PR, Marketing, Character Development, Management, Radio and Advertising, that worked for Disney all over the world. KATU was there doing interviews with some of us. It was an unbelievable day and I am honored to say that I was a part of it. The look on people's faces when they saw us made me smile ever bigger. I am always having fun,I love being involved in as much as possible, but the times when I am the most satisfied are when I am helping others and showing them a good time.

" If you give a little, you can get a lot in return." - Brandon Zornado

1 comment:

  1. You never seize to amaze me. It sounds like your day was full of joy and laughter. It is so important to give and always appreciate what you receive. We all have to count our blessings and be thankful for what we have. There are so many unfortunate people in the world today. Lets all help out and make the world a better place.
    Love you so much
