Friday, December 4, 2009


I currently have a dog named, "Dinky" that lives with my parents and I just recently got a cat named, "Lily." Animals are such wonderful creatures. They always seem to be happy and loving life. If I have had a bad day, the sight of my dog or cat cheers me right up. I love how they are right by my side when I am home and they never talk back to me. At first I didn't want to get another animal but I am so happy that I did. I look at my new cat as my little daughter and I am always making sure that she is ok. Never is her water or food bowl empty, and she sleeps right beside me at night. My little dog dinky is the cutest thing in the world and she loves when I come to see her. She will sit in my lap all day long if she could. I enjoy taking her on walks and making sure she gets water when we get back. Animals are great companions and I recommend that everyone who is planning on having kids one day get some sort of animal first because it builds character and responsibility.
" A companion will always be by your side, and love you no matter what."
-Brandon Zornado

1 comment:

  1. That is very sweet. I feel the same way, when I've had a bad day and come home and my little pup gives me hugs and kisses its almost theraputic. And your right if you are thinking of having children in the future its a great idea to have an animal first. They are both alot of responsibility. But well worth it!
