Friday, December 11, 2009

A work of art!

Today after a work promotion I met my girlfriend downtown and we went to the Benson Hotel. The Hotel is decorated to look just like Christmas. At the hotel there is a Gingerbread display done by Chef Dave Diffendorfer. He has done this annual display different every single year for 15 years. This year was a replica of the Benson Hotel. The display took 300 work hours,and was made up of 75 pounds of gingerbread, 25 pounds of marzipan, and 20 pounds of chocolate. It was absolutely beautiful.
It is amazing what skills people have. To think that this gingerbread display was done by just one person is insane. Every little detail was outstanding and it is truly worth seeing.

" Use the skills you have to make your own masterpiece." -Brandon Zornado

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