Tuesday, December 1, 2009


People all do things that they regret. There is not a person in this world that is perfect. Sometimes people say things that they don't mean. It is very easy to say something hurtful to someone else if you are already mad. What we need to realize, is that we should not hold grudges. Life is too short to be mad at someone you love and care about. Of course there is always going to be a time when you are upset with someone but there should never be a time when you hate them and want nothing to do with them. It is the holiday season, which is a time for forgiveness, it is a time to show your loved one's how much they mean to you. If there is someone in your life that has upset you in someway and you still are mad at them, find it in your heart to let it go and forgive them.
" To forgive is not to forget, but it clears the air and releases your regret."
-Brandon Zornado

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