Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wishful thinking!

Tonight my girlfriend and I watched a Christmas movie called, "Christmas Clause." It is about a hard working lawyer who is a wife and mother of three. She does not have enough time in the day to get everything done and she is so focused on everything else in life but her own. She runs into an old friend who is very successful and seems to have a wonderful life. When she is at the mall with her girls, they go to see Santa and she is asked what she wants for Christmas. She wishes to have the life of her friend that she ran into. Her wish is granted and she is forced to find the true meaning of her old life and what is important in it. The movie is great and I suggest watching it.
Don't get caught up in everything else in life. Of course we all want to have a good career, but work is work and it should not take over who you are. Family is the important thing, and being there for your kids and spouse is what it is all about. I know that when I am married and have kids I will always put them first because I will love them and want to be involved with them as much as possible. I don't want the important things in life to pass on by.

" If you only focus on one thing, other great one's may slip on by."

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