Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My parents have been there for me my whole life. Ever since I was a little kid, they have been showing me the way. I never wanted to leave their sight, they were my role models and they still are. As I grew up I became involved in sports. My Dad was my little league coach and he taught me everything I know. All through little league, junior ball, summer ball and high school, he never missed a game of mine. He was my biggest fan and today I am his biggest fan. I have always had a very close relationship with my Mom. She is like a best friend as well to me. I can tell her anything because I feel comfortable around her. If I ever need advise, she is the one I go to. My Mom is the sweetest girl in the world and she does so much for me. I talk to my Mom every single day on the phone and whenever I hear her voice I am happy. I know that she will always be there for me and I will always be there for her. I love her so much. My Step-Dad Sam is amazing! He is like a big brother, we get along great. He always is giving me life advise that I really appreciate. If I am doing something that he does not think is right, he will tell me because he loves me. He wants the best for me and he is truly a blessing for me to have in my life.
My parents have given me a great life and I thank them for all that they have done. Make sure that you tell your parents you love them. Some people are not as close with their parents as other's, but it is important to stay in contact with them and let them know that you are always thinking about them.
" Parents give children wings, they also show them how to fly, it is your turn to show them what you can do in the sky." -Brandon Zornado


  1. Brandon,
    You are an amazing son! You have made me very proud since the day you were born. You came into this world with a little sparkle in your eye, a little smile on your face, my pride, my joy, my little baby boy. I've watched you grow, I've seen you change and all for this love of life. You've always been respectful, responsible and appreciative of what life has to bring. You make the most of everyday in every way. Always trying new things, making new friends,but most of all being a good honest person. Theres nothing more a parent wants than to see there child be successful, but most of all happy. I am the luckist Mom in the world!!! I love the special bond we share.

  2. Brandon,
    I am very proud of the man you have become through the entire time you have been in my life you have always made me feel loved and appreciated. When I look at you I know that we raised you right you're kind,appreciative,loving and just a GREAT kid. And remember that I will always be there for you no matter what you need. I love you son and continue to forge ahead with the same conviction that you have now !!!
