Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chance of snow!

It is cold outside and there is a good chance that it will snow tonight. It has been raining some today and the temperature is below freezing. It is very important that when you are driving to be safe. Give yourself a little extra time to get where you are going. Even though it has not snowed yet, the roads are starting to get slippy and the rain could turn to freezing. Most people in Oregon don't know how to drive in bad weather. Just make sure that you are cautious and always keeping your eyes on the road.
I hope that it snows, because it is wonderful when it does. I don't want the city to shut down for two weeks like last year but a few days would be great. I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday!

" Wish for something big, who knows, it might come true." -Brandon Zornado

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