Saturday, December 5, 2009

Be thankful for your job!

I received a 4 year Business Management Degree from Western Oregon University with a minor in Sports Management. After college I got a job as a Fitness Counselor at 24 Hour Fitness. It was a perfect job to gain experience in my field. I learned a lot when I was there and I had a great time as well. After 24 I got an amazing job at a construction supply company called, " Ames." My position was the Regional Sales Associate and I was the assistant to the Regional Manager. I traveled all over the Northwest and covered eleven different stores in the region. I would stay in each location for about a week and I would be flown there and put up in a nice hotel. All of my meals were paid for and I got to see some very cool places. To have that type of position at my age was very lucky but I have had a lot of experience so I was qualified for the position. I loved the hours, pay, benefits, travel , and co-workers. There was not one thing I disliked about my job. The construction industry is hurting badly right now and this last year a lot of employees in the company have been laid off. My position is different and I never thought it would happen to me, but I was laid off on October 9th right after I got back from a work trip in Spokane WA. I would give anything to have my job with Ames back.
The economy is horrible right now and jobs are hard to find. If you have a job, be thankful that you are working. There are so many people out there that are unemployed and can't find any work. I am young and I will be ok, but I feel really bad for the people who have families that they need to support and are struggling. Do not take anything in life for granted, especially your job right now. You don't know what your missing until you no longer have it. Make sure you go to work everyday and be happy that you are there. Show your boss that you are a hard worker and deserve to always have your position.

" Work hard for what you want, don't ever give someone a reason to take something away from you." -Brandon Zornado

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