Sunday, January 3, 2010

Drink Tea!

Tea is one of the best beverages you can drink. It is so healthy for you and it is known as the, " wonder drug." Tea is prepared from linder leaves, leaf buds and tender stalks of different varieties of the warm weather evergreen known as camellia sinensis. There are many different types of tea and they are all good for you in different ways. Drinking tea can : help prevent blood clotting, help stimulate the immune system, help neutralize enzymes that aid in the growth of tumors, help lower cholesterol levels, and help deactivate cancer promoters. There is never really a bad time or setting to drink a cup of tea. It is very relaxing for your body and also very soothing on your throat. I try to drink tea as much as possible and my favorite time to drink it is when I am reading or writing.

" Do the good things to help prevent the bad." -Brandon Zornado

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