Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life is a Journey!

Growing up I always thought that I was going to be a professional Baseball player. I played baseball ever since I was 5 years old, and it was my favorite thing to do. I went to college and played baseball at Clackamas Community College and then transferred my junior year to Western Oregon University. I started the year off great and then I injured my right arm which ended my baseball career. Life throws you curve balls and it is your turn to hit the ball in another direction when that happens. After I was injured I started playing my guitar and really fell in love with country music. There are a lot of things that have inspired me throughout my life and I know that I am meant to be a writer. I love to write so much and I have taken a lot of my time this last year to really learn how writing is developed and how it is structured in songs. I am recently engaged and I am the luckiest guy ever. My fiance is beautiful inside and out and she is without a doubt in my mind, the perfect girl for me. We have dated for over 4 and a half years and it has been such an amazing journey. We will be getting married Oct 1 2010. We just recently went on vacation to Nashville TN where I hope to move later this fall to pursue my music career as a songwriter. I was amazed when I went to Nashville TN and I fell in love with the people, the buildings, the houses, the little towns, and the atmosphere. It is a perfect place to live and start the journey of marriage. I have a lot of inspiring things to write about in my songs, such as friends, my parents, sports, and everything in life but one of the main things is my fiance. I love her so much and I am so excited to get married and share the rest of my life with her. Moving to Nashville would be a huge step for us and it would be an amazing experience that we would share together. Something new is always something exciting and she will be finishing up at the Art Institute of Portland this summer. She is a very talented girl and I support her in everything that she does.I know that it will be different for her at first if we move, but I want her to know that I will always be by her side and love her forever. My dream is not only to make it as a country songwriter, but is to be the best husband that I can be and give my future wife and kids a wonderful life. I will work hard to provide for them and I will always put them first. We are so close to our families and it would be hard to move away because we love them so much, but we would be in contact with them every single day and we would make sure that we came home to visit a lot.
"Life is a journey, so make sure that you experience things when you can and don't hold back." -Brandon Zornado

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