Friday, January 22, 2010

Hope for Haiti!

The Haitian people are hurting right now. Many families have been heartbroken by the tragedy of the earthquake that just took place in Haiti. At first people who live here in the United States and have families in Haiti didn't know if their family member's were alive or dead. The economy is bad Nation Wide, but we still have our families and our city. Buildings in Haiti are crumbled and what took seconds to destroy will takes years to rebuild. The Haitian Nation needs are help and tonight there was a "Hope for Haiti" special which was live on tv and it will be replayed at 8:00pm on Fox. Over 100 actor's/actresses are running the phone lines for donations. It is a very touching show and I suggest that everyone watch it if they are able to. It will take a lot of work and patience to rebuild what was broken but with our help a little at a time it can happen. I hope on going to Haiti within the next couple months to help out with the kids and the community. It truly breaks my heart to see what they have had to go through and it would be an honor to say that I helped out and it would be an experience that I will never forget. With our support we can give them hope. Find it in your heart to help in anyway.

" A little piece at a time will make the puzzle complete." -Brandon Zornado

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