Monday, January 25, 2010

Workout partner!

It is very beneficial to work out with a partner. You will still get results working out by yourself, but facts prove that when you have a partner, you will not give up as easy. When you have someone there working out with you, they push you when you want to stop and they help motivate you. I love to workout but I get a lot more out of it when there is someone else there with me. I know that sometimes if I did not have a spotter I would stop at 9 or 10 reps instead of pushing for 11 or 12. The little things make a difference and if you are finding it hard to stay motivated and your not getting the results that you want then find a workout partner and do the same routine with them, believe me it will help.

" Life shouldn't be boring, make it interesting and switch things up."
-Brandon Zornado

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