Sunday, January 10, 2010


When we go to bed at night our bodies sleep but our minds dont. Believe it or not, we all have dreams every single night but we usually forget what they are about by the time we wake up in the morning. Dreams can be happy or they can be sad, we should be open to many different types of dreams and let our mind wonder. The more we experience in our lives, the more we can dream about. When we sleep we tend to have more of an imagination and that is why we have such drawn out and crazy dreams. I have a great imagination so all of my dreams are very entertaining and very detailed. I have always had a really good memory since I was a kid so I tend to remember most of my dreams. I do however suggest that you keep a notepad close to your bed so if you wake up in the middle of the night you can write down what your dreams were about. Don't be afraid of your dreams, have an open mind and go along for the journey.

" It is up to you to turn your dreams into reality." -Brandon Zornado

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