Monday, January 18, 2010

The naked eye!

It is crazy how sometimes you can't see what is right in front of you. Tonight I went and played pool with my best friend Jake and then after that we went back to his place and played Country Rock Band. It was a lot of fun by the way and we jammed out. I was lead singer and on bass and he was on guitar. When I was getting ready to go I couldn't find my keys anywhere. I could have sworn that I set them on his mantle, but when I looked they weren't there. We drove back to the bar where we played pool and they were not there as well. I left my number with them in case someone turned them in. I have a great memory and I tracked back everywhere that I was tonight once we got to the bar and I still came up with my keys being at Jake's place. So we went back there to look again and I was talking to him about a song that was playing and I grabbed his I-Pod case on the mantle and my keys were jammed inside it. We both had no idea how they got there but they were right in front of us the whole time. It's funny how these sort of things happen, I knew that I did not set them anywhere else tonight and I was determined to find them and I did.

" You will find the things that you are looking for in life when you least expect it"
-Brandon Zornado

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