Friday, January 1, 2010


I hope that everyone had a wonderful night last night! It is now 2010, which means that it is a new year. If there was anything that happened bad during 2009, leave it in the past and move on. Be positive and tell yourself that it will be a better year. I hope everyone made their New Year's Resolutions and please try to stick to them. Yesterday was the best day of my life. My girlfriend and I had breakfast together then did a little workout. Then we drove to Multnomah Fall's and we took the back roads through the hills and it was beautiful. It was raining out but we brought umbrella's. Once we got there we looked around in the gift shop and she got a post card for the scrap book. The rain did not let up but we made it to the half way bridge. There was snow everywhere and it was amazing. It was too icy to go to the top so we stayed by the bridge for a bit and took pictures. I wrote out this story about " Love Stones" which I made up. I read her the story and each stone represented us. Alone they are still significant, but together they are magical. The guy goes first and closes his eyes and the girl counts for 15 seconds. After that the guy makes a wish and throws his stone into the waterfall off of the bridge then it is the girls turn to go. Once both stones have been thrown into the waterfall it signifies the deep love that they have for each other and it will live on forever. Shelley closed her eyes and made her wish and then she threw her stone into the water. When she turned around and opened her eyes, I was on one knee in the snow with the ring in my hand. She said , "Yes!" I am so happy to be getting married to the girl of my dreams. After we left Multnomah Falls, I surprised Shelley and took her to dinner at Skamania Lodge. That place is absolutely breath taking and the food is amazing. The lodge was covered with snow and the views were gorgeous. After that we met my parents at a party and hung out with them for a bit. Then we met some friends for a drink and went to a re-gift exchange party at our other friends house downtown which overlooked all of Portland. It was amazing and the perfect day to end 2009 and say hello to 2010.

" Life is amazing, especially when you share it with the ones you love."
-Brandon Zornado

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