Saturday, February 13, 2010

Understanding your loved one!

Life is not always perfect, and there will be times when you are stressed. It is important to try and minimize the stress in your life. I am recently engaged and there is a lot involved in the wedding planning process. At times it can be stressful, if it weren't then it wouldn't be normal. I am so excited for our wedding day and I know it will be a beautiful ceremony and reception. I will be such a lucky groom that day taking my beautiful brides hand in marriage. I want to have a wonderful life with her and one day create a family together. I know marriage is not always easy, but we will work through any problems that we have and always communicate with each other. I will always be by her side and love her. It is so important to have an understanding of one another, and sometimes there will be something on your mind that is bothering you. Don't ever hide anything and always be open with your feelings. A marriage is a partnership and you have to work as a team to make it work. Our team will come to the field each day ready to give it our all.
" You have to work on the things in life that are important to you."
-Brandon Zornado

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