Friday, February 12, 2010

2010 Winter Olympics

The 2010 Winter Olympics will be a major international multi-sport event held on February 12–28, 2010, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with some events held in the resort town of Whistler, British Columbia and in the Vancouver suburbs of Richmond, West Vancouver and the University Endowment Lands.Tonight is the opening ceremony in Vancouver. Earlier today a Nodar Kumaritashvili, a 21 year old Olympic hopeful crashed while completing a qualifying round during training. Because of the luge death and fatal crash, training for the event has been suspended indefinitely. The luge death is the third during Olympic training. The other two happened during the sport’s inaugural year – 1964. Many are blaming the track for the young lugers death.The Luge death has taken the opening ceremony of the 2010 winter Olympics and turned it in to a time of mourning The opening ceremony is dedicated to Nodar Kumaritashvili. The Olympics are amazing and the people who are involved are doing it for their countries. The feeling of being an Olympian has to be one of the best feelings ever. I am very excited for all the different events that will take place and hope the best for everyone involved.

" It is an honor to be an American." -Brandon Zornado

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