Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love what you do!

A tip to be happy is, love what you do. There are many jobs out there that are high paying, but money can't buy happiness. It is important to love what you do because you will have a positive attitude about it. I have a Business Management Degree and a minor in Marketing and Sports Management. I am not the type of person to sit behind a desk and do the same thing each day. I love meeting new people and getting to know them. I am the type of person to do sales, marketing, promotions, events etc. My love is in music and I hope one day that will be my source of income but I am realistic about it and I know that I need to put in a lot of hard work and deal with rejection along the way until hopefully one day I get my big break in the music business. If you do something just to do it then there will be no satisfaction for you.
" If you do something you love, then it won't seem like work." -Brandon Zornado

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